20 Years of ESA BICs: Celebrating Innovation and the Future of Space Commercialisation
On 13 and 14 February, CzechInvest, Technology Centre Prague and the South Moravian Innovation Centre participated in the ESA Commercialisation Network Meeting in Munich – a key event connecting the European Space Agency (ESA), ESA Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs), ESA Technology Brokers and ESA Ambassadors. The meeting focused on the future of commercialisation in the space industry and the support of start-ups.
20 years of ESA BICs: the largest network of space business incubators in the world
This meeting had a festive touch as we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the first ESA BIC incubator. The programme now operates in 32 locations across 22 countries and has supported more than 1850 space startups. ESA’s Director General Josef Aschbacher was present and stressed the importance of supporting entrepreneurship in space technology.
35 years of Technology Brokers and 15 years of ESA Ambassadors
In addition to the anniversary of ESA BIC, we also marked 35 years of the Technology Brokers programme, which connects space technology with the commercial sector, and 15 years of the ESA Ambassadors programme, which helps develop and promote ESA’s opportunities for entrepreneurs, scientists and innovators beyond the space industry.
Discussion on the future of commercialisation
During internal ESA Commercialisation Network meetings, we discussed the milestones of the last two decades and future steps. Keynote speakers included:
- Luca del Monte, Head of the ESA Commercialisation Services Department,
- Philip Thomas, Head of ESA ScaleUp Programme Division,
- Tobias Gotthardt, State Secretary of the Bavarian Ministry of Economics.
They all stressed the need for continued support and cooperation to enable further growth of innovation in the space sector.
Celebrations and awards for the best start-ups
The evening of 13 February was devoted to celebrations and a ceremony during which distinguished guests spoke, including:
- Markus Blume, Minister of Science and Arts of Bavaria,
- Cornelius Eldering, Head of the ESA Entrepreneurship & Business Incubation Office,
- Thorsten Rudolph, CEO of AZO Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen.
The highlight of the evening was the awarding of the best ESA BIC start-ups:
- SPHERICAL – winner of the Junior category,
- Open Cosmos – winner of the Senior category,
- The Exploration Company – Honorable Mention.
We are heading towards international expansion
The future of the ESA BIC incubators lies in expanding international collaboration and facilitating startups’ access to ESA resources. As Geraldine Naja, ESA’s Director for Commercialisation, Industry, and Competitiveness emphasised : “New Space is not just about new technologies, but about new ways of thinking and innovation.”
We believe that Czech companies, research institutions and enthusiasts will also find inspiration and support for their space projects in the ESA Commercialisation Network. If you are interested in getting involved in any of ESA’s programmes, please do not hesitate to contact us!