Companies have the chance to get support from the European Space Agency to develop their business plan. The upcoming information day will help them to find out about their options.
Together with the ESA Technology Broker and the ESA Business Applications Ambassador, we are organising the information day. We will present programmes to support companies working with space technology or satellite data, with ambitions to become ESA contractors or to benefit from technology transfer between space industry and terrestrial applications – namely the ESA BIC, ESA Spark Funding and ESA Business Applications and Space Solutions (BASS) programmes.
The aim of the workshop is to raise awareness of the potential of space innovation and to encourage new applicants to fund their innovation projects.
The information day is suitable for anyone with an idea for a new or application of existing space technologies – this can be individual innovators, startups, SMEs or large companies.
The Info Day will be organized on February 6th, starting at 9:00 am. It will be held online.
To register for the webinar, please fill in this form.