Info Day – Prepare in advance and get support for your business from the European Space Agency
The European Space Agency (ESA) offers several programmes to help companies develop new space technologies or exploit existing ones. Both start-ups and established companies can receive support – but there is a different programme for each.
To help you navigate through the ESA programmes and choose the best one for you, ESA BIC Czech Republic, ESA Technology Broker and ESA Business Applications Ambassador are organising a joint Info Day to explain the details and conditions of the ESA BIC, ESA Spark Funding and ESA BASS programmes. There will also be time to discuss your specific plans.
The Info Day will take place on 12 June at 9:00 am at the CzechInvest Agency in Prague. You can also participate online via the MS Teams platform.
To attend the Info Day, please register by filling in this form.
ESA BIC offers support to start-ups up to five years old to help them get their business off the ground. Through ESA BIC, start-ups can receive up to €200,000 in financial support, mentoring and training, office facilities and access to valuable contacts in the space industry and beyond. The upcoming application deadline is September 5th.
ESA Spark Funding supports technology transfer from the space sector to the non-space sector. It offers €75,000 to SMEs, start-ups and research organisations for the adaptation of space technologies. The upcoming application deadline is September 5th.
ESA Business Applications and Space Solutions Programme (BASS) offers funding and support to businesses from any sector who intend to use space (satellite navigation, earth observation, satellite telecommunication, space weather, space technologies) to develop new commercial services. Applications are open all year. Businesses can submit a proposal at any time through the Call for Proposals for Downstream Applications or can apply to a Competitive Tender or a non-competitive Thematic Call for Proposals.